Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The best, worst, first grocery shop ever.

Hey, remember me?
I'm the blogger that stops blogging for months on end.
And then my first post in forever has no pictures.
I promise there are lots of juicy home decor and project pics to come.
But first, this.....
We moved back across the Atlantic, back to the U.S. of A
and we've been working hard to figure out
just what normal looks like in life
after the Army.
So far, so good.
Except, ya know, for that one time, at the gocery store,
on aisle 9.
It was our first real grocery shop since we moved back
and we were kind of excited.
Until we got in the store.
It was just so BIG.
And there was so much stuff.
And they had the audacity to remodel while we were abroad.
The nerve!
Hubs and I both took a deep breath and resolved to
buy some food.
Hungry kids don't care if the grocery store is overwhelming.
They're weird that way.
We might have said something like, "We've got this"
Or a similar motivational mantra.
The agonizing process seemed to take forever.
We zigged and zagged and retraced our steps
a million times trying to locate the items on our list.
It felt like we were losing a Survivor-type challenge.
Finally, we were down to the last item.
Diced tomatoes.
We went down the aisle with canned veggies.....nothing.
Then we went down the aisle with tomato sauce......nothing.
Then we just went down random aisles.....nothing.
Finally, we stood in the middle of aisle 9.
I felt panicky and short of breath.
Hubs was visibly flustered.
We had been there for almost 2 hours.
Our not even half-full cart seemed to be mocking us.
We both worried our children would starve while we stood frozen on aisle 9.
Hubs suggested we ditch the cart and go to the commissary where they were
sure to have diced tomatoes.
I started to agree, I could feel myself going in to meltdown mode.
Tears collected at the edge of my eyes.
Was it possible that we could be defeated by diced tomoatoes
right there on aisle 9?
We had to prevail.
We decided to be literal.
After all, tomatoes are a fruit, right?
So we looked with the canned fruit and there they were
(insert angels singing here).....
 diced tomatoes.
Best, worst, first grocery shop ever ;-)

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